Chïïwas, Skwxwú7mesh

Thomasina Pidgeon
2 min readSep 2, 2021
Chïïwas, Skwxwú7mesh, Former Marshland, Nexen, Future Oceanfront development

Old story:

Words too often abused come from the masses… The damage is done. Patch it up, build over it. Hide it’s former disgrace. What could possibly go wrong?

The machine continues.

Many blinded. Gullible to their offerings of all things shiny. Something “sustainable,” “mutually beneficial,” “contemporary.” A place where you too, could “belong…”

Comes with various price tags of course. Some, more damaging than others.

This same story, manipulated in different ways spreads like a virus. To suit one’s own.

Creeping, embedding itself into our so-called logic and reasoning.

Until every part of this planet unravels from its seams. Every aspect of our minds made to conform.

Same story, different ways. On repeat.

New story:

Untouched… Touched…. Untouched.

Pristine. Non-pristine. Pristine. Revitalization.

Why not? Damaged goods need love too. Especially the poisoned parts. But what does that even mean in a world of broken machines and a world of take, take and more take?

Quite the opposite. It’s a different way to be in the world. It’s giving, giving and more giving.

If even for a moment in this brief life, it translates for them, to more.


This photo is one of a few now showing at the Green Olive Squamish with support of the Squamish Arts Council

In mid September I’ll be having two more shows to conclude this series. One at the Squamish Adventure Center, the other at the Ledge Coffee shop.

